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Compromiso cívico de la juventud y centros de información juvenil

  Gabriel Navarro Carretero es Licenciado en Psicología y Máster en Psicología de la Intervención Social. Jefe del Centro Informajoven del Servicio de Juventud del Ayuntamiento de Murcia. Desarrolla su actividad en los Servicios públicos de Juventud desde 1982, ha sido miembro del Grupo de Trabajo de Juventud de la Federación Española de Municipios y […]

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GMB and YLI: The RealContribution of Indonesian Young Leaders

Janu Muhammad is the initiator of Karung Goni Learning Center in Ngemplak, Caturharjo, Sleman, Indonesia. He was graduated from Yogyakarta State University. He is a member of Gerakan Mari Berbagi (GMB) and Young Leaders for Indonesia (YLI) that supported by McKinsey&Company. Email: janu.muhammad2@gmail.com Web: www.muhammadjanu.blogspot.com    http://uny.academia.edu/JanuMuhammad . . Abstract: This article reflect about an […]

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Juventude e tecnologias: Experiências de projetos sociais no Rio de Janeiro

Gianne Neves é Mestre em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, coordena projetos com jovens no CECIP – Centro de Criação de Imagem Popular – Rio de Janeiro, Brasil e é pesquisadora na área de juventude. E-mail: gianneneves@cecip.org.br .. . Resumo: Este artigo é um relato de como jovens moradores da cidade […]

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Laura Simón Marón Área de Innovación social en la Fundación Novia Salcedo laura@noviasalcedo.es www.noviasalcedo.es . Resumen: Durante más de tres décadas la Fundación Novia Salcedo (FNS) ha estado ayudando a los jóvenes a cerrar la brecha entre el mundo de la educación y el mundo del trabajo a través de diferentes programas: orientación profesional, pasantías, […]

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EducaMoMo. Betting on Emotional Education for Social Change

Laura Ciudad Aguadero Psicóloga y educadora social. Monitora de ocio y tiempo libre con larga experiencia en el campo de la infancia. Lciudadag@gmail.com  /     http://educamomo.weebly.com/ . . Cristina Fernández Pérez  Psicóloga y futura educadora social. Monitora de ocio y tiempo libre, fiel convencida de que la mejora social es posible, para que todos seamos un […]

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Youth, Stand up for Economic Citizenship!

Eva Lestant Child and Youth Finance International e.lestant@outlook.com . Jared Penner Child and Youth Finance International Jared@childfinance.org   /  web: www.childfinance.org . Abstract: The 2008 economic crisis of 2008 brought awareness to stakeholders around the world that the lack of financial literacy, combined with financial deregulation, has brought many households to bankruptcy and poverty. Over the […]

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Víctor Cristales  Colectivo de Educación para todas y todos de Guatemala. Directivo Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación CLADE  victorcr53@gmail.com . Resumen: Nos está tocando vivir el final de un gran ciclo de tiempo marcado por nuestras Abuelas y nuestros Abuelos, conformado por Oxlajuj B’aqtun llamada Era Maya, que en el calendario gregoriano […]

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Youthful – The Mindful Natural Way for Each Life

Rashmi Chandran Natural Health and Environmental Research rashmichandran@gmail.com / http://drrashminaturallife.blogspot.in    . Abstract: Youthful is a blessing for any life. The beauty of youthful is its own innocence to live naturally connected with nature, to grow up with maturity, and to embody our mutual care and share. Youthful works its level best at all ages […]

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Fernando Alcoforado  Member of the Bahia Academy of Education (Brazil). Engineer and Doctor of Territorial Planning and Regional Development from the University of Barcelona (Spain). e-mail: falcoforado@uol.com.br – Abstract: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the need for the adoption of Circular Economy in order to avoid the depletion of natural resources of planet Earth […]

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Capitalism, Desperation and Urgency: How Do Working Class Youth Cope With the Capitalist Present?

 Deniz Yonucu is currently a visiting scholar at London School of Economics and Political Science. She received her PhD Degree from the Department of Anthropology at Cornell in May 2014. Funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Middle East Research Competition of the Ford Foundation, her dissertation, titled, Operations Of Law And Sovereignty From Below: Youth, […]

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