Global Education Magazine: International Youth Day
Download here Global Education Magazine: International Youth Day “A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do we know that his future will not be equal to our present?” Confucius . Sustainable Development Goals for 2030: The Land Beyond Borders for our Planetary Youth Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de 2030: una tierra más allá […]
Kenya is Hosting a Global Education Forum
Education experts and practitioner across the world will gather in Nairobi, Kenya next month to discuss on education investments in East Africa. The forum, which will be led by Informa Plc, the largest publicly owned exhibitions and training provider in the world, will also explore how increased investment from the private sector can improve education […]
World Education Forum 2015 adopts Declaration on the Future of Global Education until 2030
Download FINAL Declaration 2014 Peace Nobel Award Kailash Satyarthi during his speech on May 19 In April 2000, the participants of the World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal, adopted the Dakar Framework for Action “Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitment“. They reaffirmed the vision of the World Declaration on Education for All (EFA) adopted ten years earlier (Jomtien, […]
Education for All 2000-2015: Only a Third of Countries Reached Global Education Goals
Just one third of countries have achieved all of the measurable Education for All (EFA) goals set in 2000. Only half of all countries have achieved the most watched goal of universal primary enrolment. An extra $22 billion a year is needed on top of already ambitious government contributions in order to ensure we achieve […]
Global Education Magazine: World Water Day
Download here Access to a secure, safe and sufficient source of fresh water is a fundamental requirement for the survival, well-being and socio-economic development of all humanity. Yet, we continue to act as if fresh water were a perpetually abundant resource. It is not. Kofi Annan, Former UN Secretary-General . Letters from the Future for […]
Global Education Will Generate Global Growth
The globalization of business creates both challenges and opportunities. John Danilovich, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce, describes how globally-standardized professional education could be the key to success The business world is globalizing. For evidence, look no further than the growth in south-south trade (i.e. trade between emerging markets). It’s a trend […]
Global Education Magazine: International #Volunteer Day
Download here Global Education Magazine – International Volunteer Day . “All that is not given is lost” Indian Proverb .. The Ecological and Social Footprint: A Challenge for Global Citizenship La huella ecológica y social: un desafío para la ciudadanía mundial Javier Collado Ruano, Director of Edition International Volunteer Day, Salimatou Fatty Interview with Ms. Irina […]
Global Education as a Transformative Learning
Prof. Dr. Alicia Cabezudo Consultant on Global Education / North South Centre of the Council of Europe / Lisboa International Peace Bureau – IPB Geneva. Vice President School of Education / University of Rosario. Rosario, Argentina . There is a lot of terminology associated with the process of developing a new consciousness […]
Let’s Stand Up: Global Education through Song. A song to celebrate inclusion and diversity This exciting new approach to global learning through song has been produced as a result of collaboration between former headteacher Brian Beresford and Andrew Simpson, an experienced teacher who also provides teaching resources through his work for the BBC. The eye-catching cover features the artistic talent of Matthew McCrea, a Lancashire Primary School pupil. […]
Global Education Magazine: International Human Solidarity Day
DOWNLOAD HERE . HUMANISFESTO: The Biomimetic Symbiosis Between Ecological Sustainability and Human Rights HUMANIFESTO: La Simbiosis Biomimética entre la Sustentabilidad Ecológica y los Derechos Humanos Javier Collado Ruano, Director of Edition . ESPECIAL: A REINVEÇÃO SOLIDÁRIA E PARTICIPATIVA DA UNIVERSIDADE: OUTRO MUNDO É POSSÍVEL José Cláudio Rocha . Statement of the UNESCO Director-General After the Attack […]