The #BigHistory Anthropocene Conference: A #Transdisciplinary Exploration
We are delighted to invite you to attend our Big History Anthropocene Conference: A Transdisciplinary Exploration in Sydney, Australia.The human race has had such a profound impact on the climate and environment of the Earth that some have proposed we have entered a new geological era – the Anthropocene. Explore Big Issues with Global Impact Examine critical challenges […]
Mirela Mureșan Institutional Filiation Moise Nicoara College, Arad, Romania E-mail: . ABSTRACT This article describes a transdisciplinary didactic project which took place in Romania concerning a different approach on learning and understanding the complex topic of “water”. The target group was the high-school students (age 14-18) from the “Moise Nicoara” National College, from Arad. The […]
Magda Stavinschi Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy E-mail: / Web: . Mirela Mureșan Institutional Filiation Moise Nicoara College, Arad, Romania E-mail: . ABSTRACT This paper aims to point out the unexpected and generous perspectives the transdisciplinarity approach can bring to the astronomical education. 1. What does transdisciplinarity really mean? Will try to […]
The War and the Interaction Between Levels of Reality: a Transdisciplinary Approach to Peace
Adrian Mirel Petrariu Teză de doctorat: UNIVERSITATEA BABEŞ-BOLYAI FACULTATEA DE STUDII EUROPENE, ŞCOALA DOCTORALĂ “PARADIGMA EUROPEANĂ”: Niveluri de Realitate în sistemele sociale / Web: – Abstract: What is the connection between war, human gender division, and personal evolution? Making new connections between things already known is a very interesting included third that reconciles the contradiction […]
And the Walls Come Folding Down: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Building Awareness, Balance, and Connection in Ourselves, Our Schools, in Our Communities, and in Our World
Karen Melaas Curriculum/Teacher Leadership Development in Oxford, Michigan, USA / . Abstract: The twenty-first century offers educators an extraordinary opportunity to employ constructivist teaching and learning. The current era allows us, perhaps more than ever before, to honor the core individuality of every learner. There is one idea within constructivism that some have come to […]
Transdisciplinary Education as Ethic of the Diversity Reform in the World-Society of the 21st Century
versión castellano [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Sağlık! The mission of Global Education Magazine is to propose a moral agreement between all interested people to reflect on a new perspective for the future of humanity. If we look ahead to the future, the 21st century education should promote the transformation of planetary […]
The Ecological and Social Footprint: A Challenge for Global Citizenship
Javier Collado-Ruano in the dramatic karst mountain landscape of Yangshuo County, China’s Guangxi region. versión castellano From the transdisciplinary perspective of the Big History, the Earth is a self-eco-organized system structured through sophisticated processes of co-evolution between living and non-living organisms. Life made its appearance on our planet between 3,8 and 3,5 […]
Mexico, Transdisciplinarity Migration: Misery and Mercy in Central America
Darío Fabián Hernández González Veracruzana University. Economy and Society Institute (IIESES), Mexico. e-mail: – – Abstract: Migration is a sociocultural phenomenon widely examined by different disciplines of science and philosophy. Few studies have been carried out in a multidisciplinary way, and much less in a transdisciplinar way. Before explaining the migration from a transdisciplinar […]
Sustainable Development Goals for 2030: The Land Beyond Borders for our Planetary Youth
Interconnecting dreams in the land beyond borders. Photo in Vitsa, Greece. Spanish version Around the world, young people of both sexes look to the future, and question current socio-economic models that are based on the irrational exploitation of natural resources. While it is true that capitalist systems have brought enormous material benefits, their functionalist view subordinates […]
Global Education Magazine: World Water Day
Download here Access to a secure, safe and sufficient source of fresh water is a fundamental requirement for the survival, well-being and socio-economic development of all humanity. Yet, we continue to act as if fresh water were a perpetually abundant resource. It is not. Kofi Annan, Former UN Secretary-General . Letters from the Future for […]